Saturday, November 10, 2007

Being White and Being Different

Being here and being white makes me ultra aware of being different. We have pretty much stayed together wherever we have gone. Portia is an African American but she looks different especially with her dreads. Most of the expressions are curious. Some, as when we were in the city center in Kigali, are not kind. I understand. We are so privileged. Most here are so poor. We have taken many pictures. That also makes us stand out. I try to be as unobtrusive as possible when the signs tell me. We are a group of pinkies in a sea of black.

At sunrise and at church being so different doesn’t have a negative feel but when we are out the stares feel mixed. Some kind, some curious, some menacing. This has helped me to empathize with minorities in majority situations. I want to remember this feeling.

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